What is gravesend.online for?
This is a place for local business to advertise and work together, run for local business by local business. Promote special offers and spread awareness of your brand to the people who actually visit or use your services.
Who can advertise here?

Any business or individual located within Gravesham can advertise here as our focus is on the local community.

This is an opportunity for smaller businesses that can’t afford incredibly expensive advertising or a website to be known and found.

Is there a cost to be listed?
It is free to have your business name listed on our directory pages, simply fill out this quick online form and you will appear once verified. This is the most basic service we offer and offers minimal exposure.
How much does front page advertising cost?
Advertising on the front page is simple and affordable. There are 3 different sizes of front page adverts: small, medium and large. These adverts have a monthly fee and no minimum or maximum term to run with no hidden costs.
Small advert – £5 per month – 300×200 Pixels
Medium advert – £10 per month – 450×250 Pixels
Large advert – £15 per month – 900×250 Pixels
How much does a business page cost?
Business pages come in three different sizes: small, medium and large. These pages have a one time fee and no hidden costs, if you wish to make small alterations to the page this is free however a larger change or restructure could incur a charge.

Small page – £10
Medium page – £15
Large page – £20

What is the what's on page?
An events calendar to showcase all sorts of things happening in Gravesend such as gigs, open days, special events, quizzes, open mic nights, gallery openings etc. Submitting a listing is free, however you may upgrade your listing for a small cost. An upgraded listing offers some or all of the following features, some more useful if you have recurring events.

Highlighted event in calendar + Featured at top of the page – £5
Highlighted event in calendar x3 – £5
Featured at top of the page x3 – £5

Where does the money generated by this site go?
The money raised by this website goes right back into advertising the site and the running costs involved in hosting and artwork/page designs.